Coverting From Windows to Linux: Part 2

From Parent Post:

Converting Windows to Linux

Finding the Linux equivalent to my windows world: Program Install / Uninstall

Continuing the Windows-based Java Developer’s journey to the other side

There are many things in the windows environment at which I’ve become proficient enabling me to move around with relative easy.   I can zip and unzip compressed file, create new directories (folders), share them on a network path, add users, etc. Well, I did some research & discovery via Google, my best friend on this journey, and found some of what I was seeking.


Some words about sudo

Before delving in, one thing I NEED to share – all install and uninstall processes need to occur as ROOT.
Since Linux is “all about” security, you are probably logged in as a “user” in  the user group.  You should be logged in as just a simple user.  This by nature discourages and even prevents a system disabling attack.

To gain ‘root’ user access to install apps you need to acquaint yourself with the ‘sudo’ command.

userid@linuxdesktop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine
[sudo] password for userid:

Using ‘sudo’ gives you the necessary power without you needing to live as ‘root’.

When the process is complete, the sudo power is relinquished by the target process and you are running as you simple ol’ user-id again.


How to install and uninstall a program in Linux

The Ubuntu (Debian) style to remove a program is as follows:

sudo apt-get remove {package-name}

This command will fire up a terminal and show the verbose steps Linux goes through to remove a program.

Alternatively exists:
sudo apt-get purge {package-name}

According to this Ubuntu Forums Blog, it not only removes the packages, but also the configuration files.

sudo apt-get install {package-name}

Does what it says: installs.

Installing packages not part of the standard Ubuntu repository:

 1. `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/george-edison`
 2. `sudo apt-get update && upgrade`
 3. `sudo apt-get-install stackapplet` (name of application that you want to install)

Lessons learned

  1. Use Canonical Repository versions of 3rd Party Software
    I chose Ubuntu for a real good reason – support.  I tried to install PPA:Virtualbox and it was unstable (syncing my iPad) freezing the entire guest OS (windows 7)
    I reverted back to the Virtualbox included in the OS bundle and it has been much more reliable every since.
  2. Use the Ubuntu Software Installer first.
    I know there are some of you out there who are just terminal nerds and will frown on me with my Mouse and GUI.
  3. Figuring names to install from the repo is a constant learning experience. I chalk this up to familiarity.
    As I persist in working in this environment I will more readily know the package names.

Useful reference sites


One response to “Coverting From Windows to Linux: Part 2

  1. Pingback: Coverting From Windows to Linux: Part 2 | Servlets and Singletons

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